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Vervet Adventures Logo

Dog sledding in Tromsø

Take off on a thrilling Arctic adventure with dog sledding in Tromsø. Explore snowy trails guided by huskies for a unique and unforgettable experience. Book now!

Go dog sledding in Arctic winter landscapes

2795 NOK
Advanced Dog Sledding Daytime - Incl. Transport

Drive your dog sled through snowy Arctic mountains for a thrilling and unforgettable adventure!

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Not including transport from Tromsø

2945 NOK
Advanced Dog Sledding Daytime - Excl. Transport

Experience the excitement of dog sledding in Tromsø, guided by Alaskan huskies through the breathtaking Arctic wilderness.

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Contact us

+47 93427747

Nordøstpassasjen 47
9008 Tromsø

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